Your Ultimate Guide to Getting Help with Your Water Bill in Hernando County

Welcome to our Water Company blog! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of getting assistance with your water bill in Hernando County. Let’s tackle this problem together and ensure your access to clean, safe water is uninterrupted.

Unlocking Assistance for Your Hernando County Water Bill: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlocking Assistance for Your Hernando County Water Bill: A Comprehensive Guide

In Hernando County, there are several programs available to help residents manage their water bills. This guide aims to provide all the necessary information to unlock these resources effectively.

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally-funded initiative that provides financial aid for utilities, including water, to low-income households. While it’s primarily an energy assistance program, the relief funds can also be used towards water bills.

To apply for LIHEAP, you should contact your local community action agency. In Hernando County, this would be Mid Florida Community Services, Inc. Their phone number is (352) 796-1425.

Another great resource is the Water Bill Payment Assistance program through The Salvation Army. This program offers one-time assistance to individuals and families who are struggling to pay their water bills due to temporary financial hardship. To apply, visit the Hernando County Salvation Army’s website or call their local office at (352) 796-1186.

The United Way of Hernando County also runs a utilities assistance initiative known as the ALICE program (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). This program caters to working individuals and families who are living from paycheck to paycheck and might need assistance with utility bills. Reach out to them at (352) 688-2026 or via their website.

If you’re a senior citizen, consider applying for help through the Elder Care Services. They offer utility bill assistance for seniors aged 60 and above who meet specific income requirements. Contact them at (850) 921-5554.

Lastly, coding for discounts or reduced rates on your water bill is another way to manage expenses. Check with the Hernando County Utilities Department to see if you’re eligible for any special rates or programs. Consider installing low-flow showerheads or efficient toilets to save on your water usage leading to a reduced bill.

Remember, it’s essential to reach out and let these organizations know if you’re having trouble paying your bills. Many are willing to work with you to set up payment plans or find other solutions. Take advantage of these resources to help manage your Hernando County water bill effectively.

Frequent questions

What assistance programs are available for customers struggling with their water bill in Hernando County?

In Hernando County, customers facing difficulties with their water bills can avail of assistance from two primary programs. The first is the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which provides financial aid for utility bills to qualifying low-income households. The second is the Payment Arrangement option offered by the Water Company itself, allowing customers to pay their bills in installments over time.

How can I contact the Water Company’s customer service for help with my water bill in Hernando County?

You can contact the Hernando County Utilities Department for assistance with your water bill. The customer service phone number is (352) 754-4037. You can also visit their office at 15365 Cortez Blvd., Brooksville, FL 34613. For more information, please visit their official website at

Where can I find information on how to apply for help or discounts on my water bill in Hernando County?

You can find information on applying for help or discounts on your water bill in Hernando County by visiting the official website of Hernando County Utilities Department. They provide various options for assistance programs. It’s also advisable to contact their customer service for personalized guidance.

In conclusion, getting help with your water bill in Hernando County is not a daunting task. The first step is to reach out to the customer service team who are always ready to help and guide you through the process. Also, various assistance programs such as Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or The Salvation Army can be beneficial. It’s worth noting that understanding your consumption habits can help prevent future high bills. Finally, you should keep in mind that these utilities are essential for our daily life and it’s crucial to pay these bills on time to avoid penalties or service cuts from the water company. The key point remains that there are numerous avenues to explore if you need help with your water bill.